Learn how to manage your money easily
Have you been struggling with your money? Can’t seem to make enough? Or it never seems to quite stretch? Do you find it difficult to save or to budget? Do you want to start planning for the future – retirement? pension? or to pay off debt?
Become a master of your money
Stop being a slave to your money – start being the master of it. Start having your money working HARD for you, instead of you working hard for money. Have your cashflow flowing inwards TOWARDS you for a change – and not out to other people.
Anything is possible
Think about how great it’d be to not have to worry about money. Wouldn’t you just like to be able to go and BUY yourself whatever you want without having to think twice about it? No worrying about cheques bouncing or being overdrawn. CASH in the bank. No more debt, no more owing money. No more credit cards with crippling interest rates.
If you’ve ever struggled with making the ends meet or have an empty savings account or just don’t feel in control of your money – this this book is for you.
Are you working hard yet have little to show for it? Do you ever get to the end of the month, only to discover that there is more month left than money? Does your bank balance seem to hang around the same amount no matter what you try? Have you noticed that whenever you have money you seem to lose it or are forced to spend it on an emergency?
Serial entrepreneur and author Lisa Newton explains how to make the most of your money in an easy user-friendly way. Lisa has a masters degree in Investment Management and a first class honours degree majoring in Accountancy. She began her first business (Boogles Bookkeeping) with £150 and has worked with hundreds of businesses in helping them to budget, manage their cashflow and keep their books in order.
This personal finance guide is to help individuals apply the same principles that businesses do.